Services Provided

We offer an information session where we explain our model of care -Private Midwifery Continuity of Care, along with its proven benefits. This session is a chance to come along and meet your chosen midwife, and ask any questions you have regarding Midwifery, planned place of birth or choosing your care provider.
Antenatal Care
As endorsed midwives, we provide antenatal care commencing early in pregnancy. We are Endorsed to order Ultrasounds and Pathology tests for clients choosing to attend these, as well as prescribe medications and refer to other health care providers.
A standard antenatal visit would include monitoring blood pressure, listening to baby’s heartbeat, abdominal palpation for growth and position of baby, as well as other health screening questions.
The majority of time spent is relationship building, sharing information, birth planning and getting to know the family. Partners and siblings are always welcome for appointments.
Emma see's not only her continuity clients, but also clients on a casual basis, who may be seeking additional support with
*Birth planning, or
*Breastfeeding preparation/education

Labour and Birth
Clients may choose to birth at home or in Hospital, and we will be in attendance to provide Midwifery care during active labour. This will include monitoring fetal heart rate, blood pressure and labour progress.
We carry the emergency equipment needed in the case of an unexpected outcome, and should this arise, we will transfer to hospital with you to ensure you feel supported. We provide all the necessary equipment and necessary paperwork associated with birth registration.
Once your baby is born, we will stay with you for a few hours to ensure you and baby are both well and healthy.

Postnatal care
Following the birth of your baby, you will receive daily visits for 4 days, then a visit at week 1, week 2, week 4 and week 6.
Whilst this is a guide for scheduled visits postnatally, we remain available for concerns during this period. We offer vitamin K (with consent), Newborn Screening Test, monitoring for jaundice, ongoing assessment of weight and general meeting of milestones.
We also focus on birth debriefing, recovery from birth, and the establishment of breastfeeding.